Shingo Ota Film director, Actor
Born in 1985, Nagano Prefecture. Ota graduated from Waseda University, where he studied philosophy and narratology. “Graduation” received an award at Image Forum Festival 2010. His first full-length documentary film “The End of the Special Time We Were Allowed” (2013) was presented at Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival 2013 and distributed in 12 countries over the world. Other works include, “Fragile” (2014) with direction and acting, a short film “Sunrise Vibration” (2021), a documentary film “Imagination” (2021) and TV series “Food Trucker Minami Minegishi” (8 episodes broadcasted from July 12th). Since his first appearance on stage for “Five days in March” by chelfitsch in Hong Kong (2010), he continues his career as an actor. He has appeared in stage works like “Crazy Honey” produced by PARCO (2011) and “Unfulfilled Ghost and Monster” produced by KAAT (2021) and in TV series “To Give a Dream” (WOWOW, 2015) and “Tokyo Kaiki Sake” (TV Tokyo, 2021).
2011 年に渡仏。日本人としてはじめてフランスの国立高等演劇学校の俳優セクションに合格し、2016年、フランス俳優国家資格を取得。パリを拠点に、フランス国公立劇場を中心に多数の舞台に出演。2017年より、日本での活動も再開。俳優活動のほか、創作現場におけるハラスメント問題に関するレクチャーやワークショップを行う。2021年、フランス演劇教育者国家資格を取得。主な出演作に、市原佐都子作・演出『妖精の問題』『Madama Butterfly』。太田信吾との共同企画、映画『現代版 城崎にて』では、プロデュース、脚本、主演を担当し、ゆうばり国際ファンタスティック映画祭2022 にて優秀芸術賞を受賞。2024年初戯曲を執筆し、YAU CENTERにて『ケアと演技』を上演。太田信吾との共同演出作品『最後の芸者たち』は、Festival d’Automne Paris 2024のプログラムとしてパリで上演される。初の長編映画プロデュース、太田信吾監督作品『沼影市民プール』が、全国公開を控える。「演技を、自己表現のためでなく、他者を想像するためのツールとして扱うこと」をモットーに、アートプロジェクトの企画を行う。 個人ブログ:
Kyoko Takenaka Producer, Actress, Theater teaching
Kyoko moved to France in 2011 and became the first Japanese to pass the acting section of the French National School of Drama, and in 2016, she obtained the French National Actor's Certificate. Based in Paris, she has appeared in many stage productions in Europe. In 2017, she resumed her activities in Japan, and her one-woman play "The Question of Faeries" (directed by Satoko Ichihara) was presented in NY. In 2020, she started creating with Canadian director Marie Brassard. In 2021, she wrote a scenario and produced the film "At Kinosaki" (as actress principale) directed by Shingo Ota, won the Excellence Award at Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival 2022. In 2024, wrote the first play Care and Acting, which was staged at YAU CENTER. The co-directed work The Last Geishas, with Shingo Ota, will be performed in Paris as part of the 2024 Festival d'Automne. The first feature film produced, Numakage Community Pool (directed by Shingo Ota), is set for nationwide release. With the motto, "Using acting not as a tool for self-expression, but as a means to imagine others," is involved in planning various art projects.
He entered the film industry by working in independent film festivals in Paris. After working on independent film productions between France and Japan, he joined director Shingo Ota for several of his works, supervising production and translation between Paris and Tokyo. He made his directorial debut with the experimental short "Bardo" (2019), which screened in film festivals across the world and won the best non-narrative film award at the Signs of the Night International Festival in Paris. He also directs music videos, committing himself within local music scenes and tightening the bond between music and images. Also a musician, he composes music for films (including his own), by collaborating with local musicians and contributed to numbers of bands and records. He's currently working on the preproduction of his first feature film.